Tuesday, February 03, 2015

The Goal of Exercise is Health, not Fitness

I see a lot of people putting a lot of effort into fitness. Body-building, running, ab exercises, those in effect to stay in shape. But these people forget the very reason why exercise is prescribed. A recent article of a youngster who collapsed running a half-marathon pressed me to write this today.

The Goal of Exercise is to stay healthy. At the very basic level, this is the fact. Staying in shape, or being lean or having muscles, are not really the goal; rather a distraction. If they happen, let them, but really, it doesn't matter.

At the next level, we'll get to introspect that even health is not an aim or end in itself. It's just the means to an end, and even the healthiest person, can die in a road accident! But let's delve into that later..

Ever since man walked out of the forest, his primary strength is his intelligence. Although he can, he's never required to build muscle. It really plays little role towards the goal of life. Of course, if your Dharma as  a soldier and sportsperson warrants these attributes, you need to do it as duty. But where your prescribed Dharma has turned out to be some other task, there rather focus on that task than the exercise itself.

More often than not, effort and time spent in exercise steals time away from your Dharma. It injures you, as any bodily regimen is bound to, and where you cannot maintain regular effort, it steals that "shape" with double the vigor. Instead, if you realize that the goal of exercise is to keep you healthy and not fit, then you will automatically look for exercises to maintain body flexible, breath calm, and mind at peace; rather than focusing on muscle toning or stamina building.

Meditation, Pranayama and Hatha-Yoga in that order are all the threefold "exercise" you need. And most importantly, they aid rather than come in the way of our daily Dharma. This they do by the added benefit of promoting inner health and  keeping you stress-free, sharper and more flexible/balanced.

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